Sunday 19 October 2014


Haribol !Hare Krishna!PAMHO!I hope this finds you in the pink of health .Oh  yeah before I forget Happy Rama Ekadasi to all my wonderful readers.Well on this  very auspicious day as all of us are informed we are restricted from grains ,But the question now is why are we restricted from grains???? Well this is because, the all sin Papa purusha will reside on grains.Papa purusha's body is made up of all  types of sin .Here are the all types of sin his body made up of.

  1. Head was made of the sin of murdering a Brahmin,
  2. Two eyes were the form of the sin of drinking intoxicants,
  3. Mouth was made of the sin of stealing gold,
  4. Ears were the form of the sin of having illicit connection with the spiritual master's wife,
  5. Nose of the sin of killing one's wife,
  6. Arms the form of the sin of killing a cow,
  7. Neck made of the sin of stealing accumulated wealth,
  8. Chest of the sin of abortion,
  9.  Lower chest of the sin of having sex with another's wife,
  10.  Stomach of the sin of killing one's relatives,
  11.  Navel of the sin of killing those who are dependent on him,
  12.  Waist of the sin of self appraisal,
  13.  Thighs of the sin of offending the guru,
  14.  Genital of the sin of selling one's daughter,
  15.  Buttocks of the sin of telling confidential matters,
  16.  Feet of the sin of killing one's father, and his
  17. Hair the form of lesser, less severe sinful activities. In this way,
A horrible personality embodying all sinful activities and vices was created.
His bodily color is black, and his eyes are yellow. He inflicts extreme misery upon sinful persons."
According to the instructions of Lord Vishnu, every kind of sinful activity that can be found in the material world takes its residence in non Ekadasi foodstuff (grain). Whoever follows Ekadashi is freed from all sins and never enters into hellish regions.

For more information on Papa pursha please click on this link  or email me.